
Интернет-журнал "Новости искусства в Санкт-Петербурге"

Exhibition of November 2019

13 artists

«Art project "CLASS"»
painting, graphics, sculpture

01.10.2019 - 30.10.2019


Gallery S.P.A.S. invites to the exhibition of paintings, drawings, sculptures and architecture in the framework of the new creative art project "CLASS".

13 artists who have obtained a fundamental classical education have joined together in a community whose tasks include the organization of exhibitions and cultural and educational activities. The works presented at the exhibition are distinguished by a variety of genres and stylistic trends.

Today, each artist has a rich track record: collective and personal exhibitions in Russia and abroad, curatorial art projects, many years of teaching experience, work in the field of restoration, book graphics and clothing modeling, architectural ideas embodied in life. Art project participants are laureates of national and international prizes. Their works are in private and museum collections in Russia, France, USA, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and other countries.

The new community brings together former classmates, students of the Leningrad Secondary Art School at the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin Academy of Arts of the USSR (years of study - 1968-1975). The school was abbreviated as SAS. 50 years ago, it was located in the old building of the Imperial Academy of Arts. In the same walls at the Institute named after I.E. Repin they completed vocational training, having received diplomas of higher education.

The special atmosphere of “greatness of spirit” prevailing within the walls of the “Academy of Three Noble Arts” largely determined the fate of its graduates. They continue to faithfully serve the profession chosen in childhood.

The exposition will be supplemented by school photographs of the 70s.

"Knowledge is power". In Latin, the original of this statement sounds like: “Ipsa scientia potestas est” and belongs to Francis Bacon. The truth of this saying seems obvious, but today anyone can “work out” a certain “art object” and present it to the viewer as an unconditional innovative discovery. Evaluation criteria are vague.

The new Art project is opposed to the idea, rooted in the mass consciousness, that education is useless for an artist of the 21st century. As Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky said, “... serious artists knew world culture well. Traditions were known, and traditions are human wisdom. But innovation is a violation of tradition. Before you break something, you must know ... "

The art project "CLASS" is also a tribute to the memory of the unique school and thanks to all generations of its teachers.